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  • Mark DuMoulin
    October 28, 2024
    I have the paperback versions as well as the harcover but wanted this for my collection. I like the book box, very well designed and nice touch with the ingrained images. Between this and the special edition Tao of Jeet Kune Do my collection is almost done.
  • Kenneth Wyss
    January 23, 2024
    Fast shipping, Love the information within, Looking forward to passing on the knowledge.
  • ken leduchowski
    November 30, 2023
    I like what i see,better than anything i 've see before. I will enjoy this. Thank you.
  • Jay
    November 28, 2023
    A wonderful presentation that holds invaluable information.
  • Mark
    February 27, 2023
    I own Jeet Kune Do and Tao of Jeet Kune Do, both of which are excellent high level views of Bruce Lee’s philosophy and methods. The Fighting Method series is more of a nitty gritty detailed breakdown of Jeet Kune Do. The books are loaded with lots of excellent pictures and diagrams to help you study JKD. I use these as a launching point for my Kenpo lessons, often asking my instructor about specific JKD techniques and how they mesh with Kenpo. He’s been very receptive to this. I highly recommend the Fighting Method series for any serious student of the martial arts.